
Social Security Law: Understanding Benefits and Contributions in the Philippines

The Social Security System (SSS) in the Philippines is a government agency that provides social security protection to employees in the private sector, self-employed individuals, and members of certain government agencies. The system was established in 1957 to ensure that individuals are protected from the financial risks that come with unexpected life events, such as retirement, disability, sickness, and death.

Benefits under the Social Security Law

The benefits provided by the Social Security Law in the Philippines are intended to help members and their families cope with the financial impact of these events. Here is a more detailed breakdown of the benefits under the Social Security Law:

Retirement Benefit

The retirement benefit is payable to a member who has paid at least 120 monthly contributions prior to the semester of retirement and has reached the age of 60. The amount of the benefit depends on the member's number of contributions and the amount of the member's average monthly salary credit.

Disability Benefit

The disability benefit is payable to a member who becomes totally and permanently disabled and has paid at least 36 monthly contributions prior to the semester of disability. The benefit amount is based on the member's average monthly salary credit.

Sickness Benefit

The sickness benefit is payable to a member who is unable to work due to sickness or injury for a maximum of 180 days. The benefit amount is equivalent to 90% of the member's average daily salary credit.

Maternity Benefit

The maternity benefit is payable to a female member who has paid at least 3 monthly contributions in the 12-month period immediately preceding the semester of childbirth. The benefit amount is equivalent to 100% of the member's average daily salary credit.

Funeral Benefit

The funeral benefit is a lump-sum benefit payable to the beneficiaries of a deceased member who has paid at least one monthly contribution. The benefit amount ranges from PHP 20,000 to PHP 40,000, depending on the member's number of contributions.

Death Benefit

The death benefit is payable to the beneficiaries of a deceased member who has paid at least 36 monthly contributions prior to the semester of death. The benefit amount is a lump-sum equivalent to the member's average monthly salary credit multiplied by the number of credited years of service.

Other Benefits and Services offered by the Social Security System

Members of the SSS can also avail themselves of other benefits such as salary loans, housing loans, and educational loans, among others. These benefits are designed to provide financial assistance to members in times of need.


Contributions to the SSS are made on a monthly basis by both the employer and the employee. The monthly contribution rate is based on the member's monthly salary credit (MSC), which ranges from a minimum of PHP 3,000 to a maximum of PHP 20,000. The current contribution rate is 12% of the employee's MSC, with the employer shouldering 8.5% and the employee 3.5%. Self-employed and voluntary members pay the entire contribution, which is 12% of their declared monthly earnings based on the prescribed schedule of contributions.

Members can check their contributions and apply for benefits online through the SSS website or through SSS branches and kiosks nationwide. It is important for members to keep track of their contributions and ensure that their contributions are up to date, as this will affect the amount of their benefits in the future.


In conclusion, the Social Security Law in the Philippines provides important benefits and protection to employees in the private sector, self-employed individuals, and members of certain government agencies. The benefits provided by the SSS help members and their families cope with the financial impact of unexpected life events. Members should be aware of their contributions and keep them up to date to ensure that they are eligible for these benefits when they need them.

Pinoy Attorney

Written by : Pinoy Attorney
