
Know The Basics of Philippine Labor Law

Once you are employed, you need to equip yourself with basic knowledge about Philippine labor law for you to know your rights as an employee. Aside from wage and monetary benefits, employees may also have lingering questions about the hours of work, rest day and even holidays. Here are the basics:

Hours of work

Employees must not exceed 8 hours a day while health personnel must have a maximum of 40 hours per week. If hours of work exceed 40 hours, the employee is entitled to 30% additional pay. While the law suggests 8 hours to be the maximum number of work hours, the law the does prohibit working less than eight hours. Part-time work is allowed and the pay will correspond to the actual hours worked. When it comes to the wage and benefits of part-time workers, they should be in proportion to the number of hours worked. For instance, if the part-time worker earns P400.00 for an eight-hour work, P200.00 will be received for work done in four hours.

The law on overtime applies to everyone. However, the following are exempted by the law: government employees, managerial personnel, househelpers, piece rate workers, non-agricultural field personnel whose work hours cannot be determined and family members who are dependent upon the support of employer. For work done between 10PM and 6AM, the rate is higher than normal. Under the Labor Code, employees who work between the specified time shall be paid a night shift differential of not less than 10% of the regular wage for each hour of worked performed.

Overtime work refers to work rendered beyond 8 hours and the employee who renders overtime work shall earn an additional pay of 25%. If overtime work is done on a rest day or holiday, the rate will be 30%. In the event of undertime on another day, overtime pay should still apply as the law prohibits offsetting overtime with undertime on another day.

Rest Day

Weekly rest day includes rest period of not less than 24 consecutive hours after every six normal workdays. The weekly restday is determined by the employer, but shall respect the employee's preference if such reference is based on religious grounds. If employees work on a rest day, the compensation will be the regular wage plus 30% thereof. For employees working on a Sunday, the employee shall be entitled to the additional 30% pay if Sunday happens to be the rest day.


Holiday pay is received by employees on the occasion of a special day or a regular holiday. For regular holidays, the employee is still paid even if she did not work. The employee will be entitled to double pay if she works on a regular holiday. When it comes to a special day, the employees will not be paid if they do not report for work. If employees work on a special day, they will be entitled to 130% of the regular pay.

Pinoy Attorney

Written by : Pinoy Attorney
